Bees are dying at an alarming rate!

This is something that we as humans all take as a fact. But are they really? Here at the A.S.S.E.T.S, we bee-lieve that our friends are simply finding a new place to live. You see, in the scheme of the universe Earth is just a single, solitary flower, a flower that is dying as it runs out of nectar. The A.S.S.E.T.S live and work with our Apiarian friends to make the most of our time left in the Garden of Earth and harvest resources for our future in the garden beyond. With love, dedication and a few secret tricks and tips that we’ve learned from our friends above, we make the most delicious honey, the jiggliest royal jelly and the softest wax that the last of this planet can provide and if you think it’s good now, just wait and see what we have in store in the future! We also do beekeeping classes, lessons and events so if you think that you might be interested don’t hesitate to give us a buzzzzzz! The more you help the bees the happier they’ll be when the day comes. Remember, it’s good to be an A.S.S.E.T!

beekeeper beeframes